Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mural made from Street Signs

I recently was in Meadville, Pennsylvania and I saw the most amazing mural / art display I've ever seen.  It was all made out of street signs!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My 20 cent Paper Bag Pinata

Each year I have a party where I invite everyone I know.  I always have a pinata for the kids filled with candy and small toys.  While the kids are getting older, they still really enjoy it.  I didn't want to spend $10 or more for something that would last a few minutes, so I decided to try to make a paper bag pinata like I had seen online.  Only it was so heavy I couldn't decorate it in the way I had planned.  I had to tape around it a couple times to keep the clothes hangers (where the 20 cents was spent) attached to the pinata.   It was just difficult enough to bust open, but not too hard, like one year we had to have an adult take a swing at it for the kids.  This year the kids (one as old as in 8th grade) were able to do it themselves.  The kids loved it, even if it wasn't a cute character, and the moms at the party said they were going to try that themselves at the next party they hosted.

Next year, I think I'll use a large solid color gift bag from the dollar store.  A little more expensive, but will also be a lot prettier!

And the candy comes pouring out! It was also neat that the kids could run around and get this batch of candy and then take more swings at it!