I remember hearing in church that you couldn't be a Christian and be a Democrat. I wondered where this was in the Bible. Where does Jesus say, "Ye must vote red to be born again."? When Clinton was elected president, we didn't know that blue could also mean dresses, we only knew it meant that God didn't win. Sitting with a couple kids from my youth group while watching returns, we prayed for the future of our country. We felt certain that there would be no future because every child conceived would be aborted because that was the platform of the Democratic party, wasn't it?
While I couldn't totally relate to
Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith from Politics
, I still remember going off to the "Life Chain" one Sunday morning after church -- had I had my own way to church I wouldn't have participated. For $2, which I didn't have but my ride graciously agreed to provide, we were able to "rent" a cardboard sign. For an hour we stood along the highway and held up signs. I passed on "Abortion stops a beating heart" and other anti-abortion messages and held one up that said, "Jesus heals and forgives". I wasn't cut out to be an activist. I wanted to show love not condemnation to anyone who would perceive our message that way.
But Alisa Harris grew up in a family where their blood ran red -- Republican red. From dressing up a goat as Bill Clinton in a county fair, to debating abortion, to learning the "Killer Questions" of evangelism so that no soul is left behind, Alisa sees politics as part of the church. She feels so dedicated to the cause that she campaigns in college for someone she can't even remember their name at the end of the day. I believe it is then she starts questioning why.
From that point on, she begins wrestling with the compound of Church and Politics. She is sat down with her parents by her pastor in what appears to be an act of church discipline to reign her back into the fold. After all, women should be preparing for marriage and raising up more Republicans for Jesus, right?
Hounded by her parents to vote for McCain, she ends up buying a t-shirt that says "Blondes for Obama". In the end of the book she muses over the question of "Can a Christian be a Democrat?"
This was a quick read and I did enjoy this book. I think those who have grown up in the church and realize that Jesus is bigger than a political party would also enjoy it, as well as anyone wanting a glimpse into the life of an activist family.
FTC disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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