To say I am overwhelmed right now seems trite, so let's just say I feel drowning in a sea of camel fur. Does that give you a better idea? How about drowning in camel hair that the health department once wanted to confiscate from my grandmother? Yes, there is a story there, but not now. . .
It feels weird to say that my grandmother died recently. She hadn't spoken to me in years. I sent her an invite to my wedding thinking maybe there would be some reconciliation there, but the only relative I had was my dad's step-sister. That's another story as well. . .
For the last few years, I have wanted to move. Badly. Like really bad. I inherited the house my mother -- she and Dad bought it when my husband was only 3 years old. That's how long I have lived here. (I'm a tad older than he is.) It's the site of where the priest said Last Rites for my mother, lifeless on the floor, the site where I watched Dad leave after almost 25 years of marriage to my mother, and countless other memories, and it seems the bad memories outweigh the good. So I've been frantically selling on
eBay for years. (That's an affiliate link because disclosure. Plus there will be more affiliate links in this post.) I went to my grandmother's estate auction and bought three carloads and one truck load full of stuff. That's all from the place she was currently living. My uncle (who I am starting to become friends with, but again, another story. . .) My uncle is wanting to turn the place where my grandmother once lived into a hunting cabin. Grandma was a crafter. Some of the stuff can be valuable, some of the stuff is just trash, and some of the stuff is just nothing but confusing. (I even found a bouquet she made of used plastic spoons nestled in a coffee can because someone somewhere thought the idea was clever.) But knowing there is some good stuff in there that would be tossed out, we are bringing it home and sorting through it.