I hear the questions all the time. Is it hard to sell on eBay? Is it better to open an Etsy or Amazon store? Should I sell a multi-level marketing product? Do people really win contests or sweepstakes? How can I make money from a blog? Each one of these questions could be the focus of a blog post itself. But here are some quick answers from me.
Selling on eBay
Selling on eBay can be time consuming, and with all these things there is a learning curve. However, in my opinion, it's the best way to start making some extra money. Instead of going out and buying inventory, sell some of the things you have around your house. It can be confusing the first few times you list on eBay, but I started selling in 1998, and I had to learn everything on my own. I have a number of blog posts about selling on eBay, there are lots of good instructions on the eBay site itself, and there are also a huge number of books available for the eBay newbie.