My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Although Dangerous Surrender was published in 2007, I just read it this year. Kay Warren, wife of Pastor Rick Warren charts her own course away from his fame into her her own calling from God in this book.
As it starts, she feels as many American women must. Me? Why me? My life is about my husband and children! What can I do? But slowly, this takes shape into a direction that while her husband supports her, it’s her own calling, her own mission, her own destiny.
She was reading and saw something about AIDS in Africa. At first she didn’t care a whole lot because, after all, she lives in California and Africa is a world away. She couldn’t quit thinking about that article she read, and she eventually found herself under a tree a dying African lady called home because she was kicked out of her home and her village because she was infected with AIDS. Like the article Kay Warren wrote and couldn’t get out of her mind, this is an image that has stuck with me since I have read the book. Joanna. That was the lady’s name. I read the book weeks ago, and the picture was painted so vividly of this lady I can recall the lady’s name.
Back in California, Mrs. Warren worked with Saddleback Church to start an AIDS outreach. The story she tells of the man who said his desire was he wouldn’t be alone when he dies. Isn’t that a desire of every one of us? We want someone to care about us.
This is an amazing book, one of the best I’ve read this year. While your destiny may not be AIDS advocacy, there’s something deep inside you, some way for you to help others, and it’s ready to come alive, and I think reading this book will encourage you in your journey, whatever it may be.
You can purchase it from Amazon here: Dangerous Surrender: What Happens When You Say Yes to God