When I was growing up, I often hear, "Nobody ever wins those things" in regards to sweepstakes and contests. I jokingly tell people these days I am "Nobody". I am a consumer first, and I enter sweepstakes and contests second. I tailor part of my shopping around promotions. To me it only makes sense. It started when I learned about coupons and refunding. People often would say back then, "Buy generic, it saves money." By combining coupons and refunds, I would often get products for pennies and I would think, "I don't have the money to spend on generics. I have to buy name brands!" It's funny, but it's true.
The same goes for sweepstakes. I love ramen. I don't eat it as often as I would like, because while it's inexpensive, it's not one of the more healthy meals. I was recently in Weis, and I saw a cup of ramen with information about a sweepstakes on it. I purchased that package because I was going to buy some ramen, and I wanted to learn more about this giveaway.
So what sweepstakes are easiest to win? There are three that stand out to me: