Monday, July 19, 2010

Basics of Winning Sweepstakes

I think it's no secret I get slightly annoyed when I mention something I've won and I get the comment, "You're so lucky" or "I've never met anyone as lucky as you." The bottom line is I spend a LOT of time entering sweepstakes. Probably as much as a part-time job would take. Would you ever go up to anyone who gets a paycheck from a part time job and say "Wow! You got a paycheck. You are so lucky". Okay, maybe in this economy you would, but I think you can see my point. :)

Sweepstakes is a great hobby because you can spend a little time on it or a lot. And unless you're very lucky, you'll only see a few wins if you spend a little time on it. It's like the old saying "The harder I work, the more successful I am". The more I enter, the more I win.

That said, here's a few basics to get you started:

I highly recommend an e-mail address seperate from your personal one. I can't recommend gmail enough. I'll talk in a few days about blog giveaways, and you need a google ID for many of these, so I would say gmail is the way to go.

The next thing is always be sure and follow the rules. If it says one entry, don't try for multiple entries. There's more sweepstakes out there than any one person could ever enter, so if it's a one entry, just make your entry and move on to the next. Other things to watch for is eligibility. Some might only be open to certain ages, certain states, etc.

Be ethical. Don't enter your dog just because he has a name that sounds like a person. Or if you're in a voting contest, don't devise ways to cheat the system and get more votes than you are allowed per person.

A few things you need:

To do online sweepstakes, you need a computer. I highly recommend the site because they list so many sweepstakes, (as of tonight there are almost 8,000 different giveaways listed on this site.) I do recommend upgrading to premium if you enjoy it because the most "winnable" sweepstakes are only able to be seen by paying members. I also recommend the program "Roboform" (there's a free version of it that does NOT store passwords). It makes filling forms so much easier. Really a computer, and Online Sweepstakes is all you need to get started to enter online.

To enter snail mail sweepstakes you need a few more things. Envelopes. Stamps. Index cards. 3x5 papers. And I highly recommend a subscription to Sweeping America This is a weekly sweepstakes newsletter and because it's weekly, new sweepstakes can be published very quickly. In the event of daily prizes, this can be the difference between winning and losing! So, I highly recommend it!

From there, it's up to you to decide how much time you want to spend on entering. I won when I'd mail 10 entries a month, but my wins were few and far between and usually very small.

Also, keep in mind, it often takes time to see results from this hobby. The rule of thumb used to be six months, but I think it's probably less than that now if you consider instant wins as well as how many win notices come by e-mail these days. But, if a few months go by and you don't see a win, you can't get discouraged if you actually want to win. You need to be persistant.

Not everyone is cut out for entering sweepstakes hard-core. And that's okay, we all have different personalities. However, there are some sweepstakes that I think are worth it to the person interested in freebies to enter because if there are a huge number of prizes, that increases your chances of winning! So, in the cases of those, I would recommend everyone be persistant in a few sweepstakes with lots of prizes because after all, who doesn't love freebies, and who doesn't love them more when you WIN them?

Finally, if you are a winner, being polite is nice. If you're on a trip win where you interact with sponsors, don't get together with a group who enter regularly and discuss other wins. If you win tickets to a ball game where the sponsors will see you, don't wear a t-shirt advertising a competitor's product. Thank you notes are a nice gesture, even if sent over e-mail.

Sometimes those of us who enter have a bad reputation because sponsors think we just want things free. But we are also people who buy products. I actually switched brands of bread because they have so many giveaways. I figure why not support a company who gives so much stuff away? I've tried new products because of winning. I won some Laughing Cow cheese once, and I'd never had it before. I have some in my fridge right now because I loved it! I can many times tell you who sponsored giveaways. They do it for advertising, and it works!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Media Kit for Books, Bargains, Blessings

Hi!  I'm Jenn.   Thank you for your interest in Books, Bargains, Blessings.  I love to share products with my readers when I believe the product is of value and when it fits within my niche as a lifstyle blogger focusing on frugality and making money online, family (including adoption), and being a faithful believer.

Please contact me for rates, and more information.

67 Klout Score
I just started a newsletter.

When I run a giveaway, I promote it everywhere I can without spamming.  I link up on nearly 100 blog linkies for giveaways, and I post in several Facebook groups that allow such.

Companies I have worked with include: Reed & Barton, Gorton's Fish, Purex,  Catholic Family Gifts, Farm Rich Foods, Waterbrook Press/ Random House, Tyndale Publishing, TinyPrints, My Comfort Cross, Propeller Network,
MyLoveBook, Discovery House Publishers, Campus Book Rentals, and others.

I am part of the U.S. Cellular Better Moment Blogger Brigade.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My $121 Garage Sale Experiment

In November I did a special sign up deal with a new checking account and got a bonus of $121. I haven't spent that $121 and decided I'm going to see what I can buy with that at garage sales. I do sell some stuff on eBay, so hopefully I can make some money and get a bunch of useful stuff in the process. I'll be blogging about my finds, both good and bad.

It's not QUITE garage sale season here yet, so I hit a couple thrifts. Here's what I found ($8 spent):

a shirt I really like
2 local commemorative plates
1 crock (possibly Christmas gift for my aunt)

I figured that was it for the day. Well, I'd seen a wheelchair for $25 at a garage sale. I have been wanting one for mom for a while, but she doesn't like the idea. As it is, she has arthritis in her back and refuses to use a wheelchair because she says it's like giving up. I told her that it would be for occasional use only. Like when we were in Virginia Beach last year and we both wanted to see the National Aviation Museum, but we both missed it because she couldn't walk and I hated to have her sit in the car while I toured it. I told her just for mueums. (Which really is what it would be for at this point.)

Well, a few hours later she said if it was still there when we passed again, I could get it and she'd use it. It was, and as I walked up the porch, I asked the man, "Would you take $20 for the wheelchair?" He jumped up and was more than happy with $20.

He started showing me the features. I thought it was ye ole average wheelchair. The foot rests come off. The sides come off, and to make it easy to get in and out of a car, the wheels even pop off! Wow!

I THOUGHT he said to me it was $240 new. Mom thought he said it was $2400 new. I thought Mom was hearing things. I looked it up online and Mom was closer than I was. This wheelchair sells for. . .

(This isn't the exact wheelchair, but one almost like it I found online.)


I'm so excited and I hope Mom will use it to do a few things. She rarely does anything now because she has such a difficult time walking and so she just stays home a lot. I hope this encourages her to do a little more! And of course if she doesn't, it's $20 spent.

The man was thrilled we bought it, and even said to Mom, "I'm glad it's going to a good person". (This was at an estate sale for his father. Estate sales are always sad, but the man seemed to really be happy that it will be good for Mom.) :)

So total spent so far this garage sale season: $28.