And back to geocaching. . .
Here are some notable finds of mine in the last week. Because I don't want to give away TOO much information just in case you are a geocacher near me, I will just describe some of the locations.
My favorite find of the week was on Tuesday. My boyfriend and I were in a town about 10 miles from here an we saw one located near a cemetery. I suggested we find it, and we went up the side of a mountain that reminded me slightly of those pictures I've seen of the mountain paths in China. Okay, so I'm exagerating, but it was quite the road. What I didn't realize when we started out that it was at the cemetery where my great-great-grandfather and his wife are buried. If I had known, I would have brought flowers. I never had been to where they were buried before. He was a Union Soldier in the Civil War, born in 1845.
One we are still talking about is one someone planted right outside their house. As we pulled up, someone asked if we were geocaching, and told us we were about 30 feet too far away. The person who hid the cache was home and waved to us. And since we were being watched, wouldn't you know it took us a good five minutes to find what should have been seen in seconds.
I think one of the most interesting things in my area is a rocket. I can't help but wonder why, but it's there, as is a geocache.
There is an overlook near where I live with a cross. I have always thought, "How high! I'd never be able to climb that!" But I did!
This one was sad to find in the condition we found it in. We think some non-geocachers got into it and left it like this. But not the way to leave a geocache for others. I thought it was cool because some school kids left it for others to find. There is also a neat bush near the geocache, and my boyfriend posed by it.
A more unusual container I ran across this week was a mailbox. It was on the side of a building and they received their mail at the road so there is no confusion.
There was nothing too notable about this one. . . unless you count the beauty of nature.
For more Quick Takes Friday, visit and learn more about Jenifer Fulwiler's book Something Other Than God: How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found It