Sunday, July 23, 2017

How to Protect Your Phone from Water and Summer Heat

FTC disclosure:  This is a sponsored post.  All opinions are my own.  This post may contain affiliate links.

What if I told you the best way to protect your iPhone 7 from heat and water is to stay indoors all summer?  Well, that would likely do the trick unless you dropped your phone in the toilet, but it wouldn't be very much fun, would it?  Well, here's a few ideas on how you can have fun and protect your phone.

With many manufactures recommend keeping a phone between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit ( zero through thirty-five Centigrade) summer is a time you need to make sure your phone doesn't exceed the maximum recommended temperature.  If a phone overheats, the insides may become damaged, causing different problems from data loss to the battery could leak, or even explode and ruin the device completely.  I don't know about you, but I want my vacation photos of us visiting a town in Wisconsin that had a ton of trolls.  When you get my husband and me near a statue, we love taking goofy photos, and our photos of our trip through the midwest is something I want to keep forever.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

A Dozen Tip for Getting Low Cost (and even FREE) Diapers!

FTC disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.
Diapers are a huge expense for parents of babies.  Is there any way to get inexpensive diapers?  What about free diapers?   My answer is a RESOUNDING YES.

First I would encourage you to start stocking up as soon as you know you are pregnant (or if you are a relative, as soon as you hear the announcement.)  Diaper deals are often limited, but starting early and being in the know can help you maximize your savings.

Toys R Us suggests the following quantity of diapers:
Newborn / Size 1   320
Size 2                     870
Size 3                     870
Size 4                     728

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Five Great Tips for Social Media Etiquette

FTC disclosure:  This is a sponsored post on behalf of U.S. Cellular.

I love being on social media.  I spend a bit more time on it than I would like, but it's a great way to catch up with my friends from high school and college.  I plan my annual "Party in the Park" on social media, and even my guinea pig has a Facebook page.  Because of social media apps, I am on my U.S. Cellular iPhone 7 Plus more than ever.  I try not to use it at inappropriate times or too much in front of others.   In fact, 71% of people surveyed who own smartphones get upset with other smartphone users for excessive phone use.

In addition to being aware of how much time you are spending on your phone, here are some other tips for you to make the most of your social media experience.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

How I Host a Summer Party On a Small Budget

FTC disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.

Some years back, I won an ice cream party from Edy's.  I won another the next year, and from then on everyone assumed it was an annual event.  One thing about ice cream is it's not that expensive.

I invite everyone I know, and I can usually figure the number that RSVP will be the number that show up -- usually it's right on the nose even though some people come who didn't RSVP, but there are always those who don't show.  So by the week of, I have a pretty good idea how many to plan for.

It's a really casual event, so when purchasing party supplies, I keep an eye open all year long.  This year I found lots of Christmas tablecloths, Emoji paper plates in different sizes, and even napkins at the Dollar General 25 cent after Christmas clearance. With some of the tablecloths just being red, no one has to know it was intended for Christmas.

Because our backyard is small for a crowd of about 50, I started renting the pavilion in the park.  It has electric, so that makes it fantastic. There is also nice play equipment for the kids. The downside of this is the logistics of having ice cream in the park in summer aren't exactly easy.  So, I often make my own ice cream cake as this holds up well in the heat.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Book Review: The Inkblots Hermann Rorschach and his Iconic Test

FTC disclaimer:  I received a copy of the book for review purposes from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.  This post contains affiliate links.

I was a psychology major in college.  Yet, we barely touched on Rorschach.   My first exposure to the test (which, incidentally, the inventor never called a test) was in junior high school when I was undergoing a battery of tests because I was in the Gifted and Talented class.  After about two cards I was bored and gave one word answers so I could move on to something more interesting.  I mean, why should I have to mention everything in the card?  Wouldn't that take forever?  And what did it help anyone to know my opinion of abstract art?

So, when I had the chance to review The Inkblots: Hermann Rorschach, His Iconic Test, and the Power of Seeing, I was intrigued.  Maybe I could learn more about the man who came up with this standard psychology assessment and also have an idea of how it worked.  This book didn't disappoint.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Ways We Saved Money on Our Wedding

FTC disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Weddings can be expensive, and we went over budget -- ours cost under $3,000 and we had 150 people in attendance and flew our entertainment in from Florida -- a master illusionist who did a magic show instead of having a traditional dance.  Overall, I expect our wedding would have cost about $20,000 if I hadn't done everything I could to save money.  Here are a few of the things I did.

Win everything you can.  There are so many sweepstakes and contests open to just engaged couples.  I won our save the date cards, lollipops with our photos on them as favors, invitations, a Walmart gift card we used for food, and plenty more various things.  Sometimes you get entries by starting a registry somewhere (doesn't mean you have to use it!), or at bridal fairs or other places.  Enter everything you can because people do win!

Sunday, May 21, 2017


The deal on this is over, but I received my order.  Some people didn't.  Guess it was hit and miss or who ordered first or something.

Friday, May 19, 2017

5 Tips for Using Your Phone at Music Festival or Hobby Convention

FTC disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post.  All opinions are my own.

Growing up, I loved summer camp.  In fact, last year I took my husband to "family camp", and we had a blast.  I thought my summer camp days were over when I graduated high school but I learned there is so much more out there that I go to and experience -- and much of it is special interest related. This summer I am hoping to go to a church's general assembly so I can attend the alumni banquet for one of my colleges.  Next summer I hope to go to the national sweepstakes convention.

One thing I never leave behind, though, is my iPhone 7 plus from U.S. Cellular.  Because U.S. Cellular has nationwide coverage, I've had service from Maine to California and points in between.  (Yes, I know this for a fact -- I have traveled to both coasts and still have been able to keep in touch with friends.)  I'm not alone in using my phone to assist in planning my trips.  Nearly four out of five people do the same.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Book Review: You're Already Amazing

FTC Disclosure:  I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

Review of You're Already Amazing by Holly Gerth:

I like reading books for Christian women.  I honestly do, but many times I feel I can't relate to them.  I don't struggle with wondering if I'm "good enough" (I am), if I'm pretty enough (If looks matter that much, that person isn't someone I would want to have in my life), or if my feelings are okay (My mother always taught me you can't help your feelings.  They are what they are.) So many times I am thinking, "Are these the biggest issues facing Christian women today?" (I do think they are, but I just can't relate!)  That's how this book started -- me enjoying reading the book, but not much in it for me until. . .

Friday, May 12, 2017

What About the Women on Mother's Day

What about the women on Mother's Day who have been trying to conceive and can't?
What about the women on Mother's Day who have had a miscarriage (or several.)
What about the women on Mother's Day who have given a child up for adoption?
What about the women on Mother's Day who are a foster mom?
What about the women on Mother's Day who have dedicated their life to God in celibacy? (Nuns)
What about the women on Mother's Day who are a mother only because they were raped?
What about the women on Mother's Day who are in the process of adopting?
What about the women on Mother's Day who have had their only child pass away?
What about the women on Mother's Day whose child is in prison?
What about the women on Mother's Day who aren't married?
What about the women on Mother's Day whose own mothers are deceased?