Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Signed Bible

I love to haunt yardsales, thrift shops, and auctions.

I used to see lots of Bibles and often collected them to send to an organziation that ships them to other countries.  Of course, since that time the post office has elimiated the economy shiping for M-Bags making shipment to other countries very expensive for books.

Anyway, a few years ago I found a Bible I decided to keep.  (Of course it's also missing part of the New Testament, so not complete.)

The way I remember it, I got it with a few Bibles and my mother opened it, and said, "Wow, look at all these signatures."  I looked over, and recognized all the names.  It pretty much is a "Who's Who" of the WV north district of the Church of the Nazarene from the early 80s to early 90s.  The district superintendant, visiting evangelists, missionaries, pastors of various churches.  I went to a Nazarene church for years as well as spent two years at a Nazarene college, so I recognized many of these names!

I had never heard of Bible signing before I ran across this Bible, although since I've heard it's common in a few denominations.  I have heard everything from "These people are heroes of the faith and people we should look up to" to "No person should sign a Bible because that's God's Word and humans aren't God." 

But still I think the Bible is really neat! 

There are more signatures than this, just took one photo!

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