10. "No instead of a movie, I really should get reading done for class".
9. "No really, I am allergic to flowers. No, please don't send me any. No, really, I do prefer to stay home and play Scrabble over going out to dinner."
8. I avoid an argument when I play "qi", "za", or "ai" in above Scrabble game.
7. I don't get "Do you always have to be right when the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary says that ai (common noun) is a South American sloth and I say I know I can't use proper nouns.
6. I won't get a love song played to me on a tuba, harmonica, or armpit.
5. Teddy bears don't snore, hog the covers, roll over on you, or sleepwalk.
4. I don't have to do my make-up on Feb 14th and can spend the evening in old, comfy PJs.
3. I don't have to do a "He's so wonderful guess what he surprised me with on Valentine's Day" Facebook post and try to compete with friend for "Luckiest woman" based on his romantic abilities.
2. Did I mention "A Survey of the Old Testament" by Andrew Hill is 799 pages long?
1. It's just Jesus and me. When it's time for me to move I don't have someone with athlete's foot wanting m to stay!
Love this! Especially #6... hilarious! I spent Valentine's day sleeping, working, and hanging out with my Dog, who doesn't snore or hog the covers... but he does bark and smells like he needs a bath. :)