In 2010 it was sexual innuendos that were all over Facebook to supposedly raise breast cancer awareness. The "game" to to say "I like it" and then say where you keep your purse. I saw a friend's status earlier asking the question of this blog post. I'm not sure myself. Someone commented on her status a pervert came up with the idea, but he enjoyed it.
Maybe it's me. Maybe I feel like I should have a little more decorum online. Maybe it's the fact I think we shouldn't say anything online we wouldn't say in front of others in person. Maybe it's the fact I realize I have friends on Facebook who are male. (I think everyone has both male and female friends). Maybe it's the fact I dislike posts that are a bit intimate or I feel shouldn't be things that should be posted on Facebook. Maybe it's the fact I grew up in church and went to Christian schools and we were always taught to avoid all appearance of evil, and I don't think sexual innuendos, no matter how good the cause are something I feel comfortable in which posting on my status.
My mother is on Facebook and she thought all the "I like it" posts were saying where people liked to have sex. My mother. Female. Knew this was nothing about breast cancer awareness.
I do support breast cancer awareness, and to that fact I will say, "I do support breast cancer awareness, but not sexual innuendos, so I keep my purse on the floor."
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