Monday, February 23, 2015

Book review of Fallen by Annie Lobert

FTC disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book for review purposes, all opinions are my own.  There are affiliate links in this post.  Thank you for starting your shopping here at Books, Bargains, Blessings.

Fallen is a difficult book to read, but one that was just as hard to put down.    It details how Annie Lobert became a sex worker, her life in the sex industry, and her escape from her pimp.  While this is a Christian book, it has some very adult situations in it but please don't let that stop you from reading it.   She handles them with as much class as possible, but it's hard to be classy when telling about how she was abused by multiple men.

This book makes it easy to see how girls and women become prostitutes.  As Ms. Lobert states, no one dreams of being a call girl when they grow up -- something happens.  Also, one thing I didn't realize was that if a prostitute has a pimp, she is considered sex trafficked because she is not able to leave on her own and the pimp will require her to give him all her money.

While the author made some bad choices, I felt so much compassion for her through the book.  She fell in love with her pimp and had to endure things she never thought possible.  Her escort service tried to keep her into bondage debt, saying she owed them $65,000 for when she couldn't work when she was getting treatment from cancer.

This is a glimpse inside the unthinkable.  Ms. Lobert was one of the lucky ones.  She was able to escape.  She fell deeply in love with Jesus.  She wanted to make use of her past, and she's back on the strip trying to help others who have been sex trafficked to escape.

This book was fascinating.  I can't say it was enjoyable because of the subject matter, but it's one I highly recommend.  It was an intense book and one I could not read straight through as I am sometimes apt to do.  I would read about what she endured and then have to put it down for a little while.  It was absolutely amazing how much pain and abuse she endured as well as how much she was able to tell in 208 pages.  Annie's life story is one that needs to be told so that hopefully her life can help prevent others from making the same mistakes she did, make others more aware of the sex industry so they can spot victims, and hopefully inspire people to help those who are escaping, be it by donating to the charity that Annie has started or volunteering.  

You can purchase Fallen at Family Christian.

You canfollow Annie on twitter at @HookersForJesus @destinyhouse and on Facebook HookersForJesus

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