What is Qricket? It's an app found both in the app store and Google Play that allows you to earn spins by watching ads. With those spins you can try spin the wheel and see if you win free money. I do this when I have extra time -- such as when I'm cooking, waiting on my husband, or even in the bathroom!
You can earn up to ten free spins a day. On an average day I win 15 to 30 cents. That doesn't sound like much, but it does add up. My largest winning spin was $2 from a spin code I won on Twitter. (If you follow on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, Qricket often gives away spin codes.)
The advantage to this app? FREE MONEY!
The disadvantages? It takes a long time to earn the $25 to cash out. The money is in Canadian dollars after the exchange rate and by the time Paypal took their fees, my payment for $25 was down to $19.
If you sign up, if you use my referral code of 6E0482 you will get 25 bonus spins, and I will receive $1. Thanks so much!
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