Sunday, December 11, 2011

Book Review: Raised Right

I remember hearing in church that you couldn't be a Christian and be a Democrat.  I wondered where this was in the Bible.  Where does Jesus say, "Ye must vote red to be born again."?  When Clinton was elected president, we didn't know that blue could also mean dresses, we only knew it meant that God didn't win.  Sitting with a couple kids from my youth group while watching returns, we prayed for the future of our country.  We felt certain that there would be no future because every child conceived would be aborted because that was the platform of the Democratic party, wasn't it?

While I couldn't totally relate to Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith from Politics , I still remember going off to the "Life Chain" one Sunday morning after church -- had I had my own way to church I wouldn't have participated.  For $2, which I didn't have but my ride graciously agreed to provide, we were able to "rent" a cardboard sign.  For an hour we stood along the highway and held up signs.  I passed on "Abortion stops a beating heart" and other anti-abortion messages and held one up that said, "Jesus heals and forgives".  I wasn't cut out to be an activist.  I wanted to show love not condemnation to anyone who would perceive our message that way.

But Alisa Harris grew up in a family where their blood ran red -- Republican red.  From dressing up a goat as Bill Clinton in a county fair, to debating abortion, to learning the "Killer Questions" of evangelism so that no soul is left behind, Alisa sees politics as part of the church.   She feels so dedicated to the cause that she campaigns in college for someone she can't even remember their name at the end of the day.  I believe it is then she starts questioning why.

From that point on, she begins wrestling with the compound of Church and Politics.  She is sat down with her parents by her pastor in what appears to be an act of church discipline to reign her back into the fold.  After all, women should be preparing for marriage and raising up more Republicans for Jesus, right?

Hounded by her parents to vote for McCain, she ends up buying a t-shirt that says "Blondes for Obama".  In the end of the book she muses over the question of "Can a Christian be a Democrat?"

This was a quick read and I did enjoy this book.  I think those who have grown up in the church and realize that Jesus is bigger than a political party would also enjoy it, as well as anyone wanting a glimpse into the life of an activist family.

FTC disclosure:  I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Could you please take a second and rate my review?  This helps determine what books are available to me in the Blogging for Books program.  Thank you!  

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Baby Crockett August 2007 - December 2011

Most of my pictures of Baby Crockett are in another computer, but I have these in this one.  Look at that log "pig tail" he had in the first one, and the second, that's a favorite "I'm sleeping" photo of him.

The third one, he's in Goya's Biggest Fan contest, and you can vote daily to be entered to win $5,000.

He was such a great guinea pig and I miss him so much already!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pigture re-takes

I often have people tell me I do a great job of taking Pigtures (guinea PIG picTURES).  But that doesn't always come easily.  Sometimes the guinea pigs walk off leaving me snapping a pigture of their back 40, I even once had a pig try to stand on another.  You never know what will happen in a pigture.

Here are some I did NOT sumbit for a contest I entered.

"Hey, it's getting crowded over here".  Not to mention the red eyes in Fuzzy.

And someone lost his hat!

I'm not sure what is going on in this one, but it doesn't look like they are up to much good, now does it?

Want to know what photo I entered in the contest?  Well you are in luck!  It's a finalist for a contest where I could win $7,500 or more!  And you could win $5,000 just by voting!  That's right!  Just by voting (which you can do daily until 12/31) you get an entry to win $5,000.

Just head over here and vote! Make sure you get the "Thank You" screen or you vote didn't go through.

My entry is #6.  Fuzzy kept giving me such bad red-eye I didn't submit a photo he was in.  :)  I think you'll agree that the final shot was much better than any of these I just showed you!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Book Review: Dangerous Surrender

Dangerous Surrender: What Happens When You Say Yes to GodDangerous Surrender: What Happens When You Say Yes to God by Kay Warren

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Although Dangerous Surrender was published in 2007, I just read it this year.  Kay Warren, wife of Pastor Rick Warren charts her own course away from his fame into her her own calling from God in this book.

As it starts, she feels as many American women must.  Me?  Why me?  My life is about my husband and children!  What can I do?  But slowly, this takes shape into a direction that while her husband supports her, it’s her own calling, her own mission, her own destiny.

She was reading and saw something about AIDS in Africa.  At first she didn’t care a whole lot because, after all, she lives in California and Africa is a world away.  She couldn’t quit thinking about that article she read, and she eventually found herself under a tree a dying African lady called home because she was kicked out of her home and her village because she was infected with AIDS.  Like the article Kay Warren wrote and couldn’t get out of her mind, this is an image that has stuck with me since I have read the book.  Joanna.  That was the lady’s name.  I read the book weeks ago, and the picture was painted so vividly of this lady I can recall the lady’s name.

Back in California, Mrs. Warren worked with Saddleback Church to start an AIDS outreach.  The story she tells of the man who said his desire was he wouldn’t be alone when he dies.  Isn’t that a desire of every one of us?  We want someone to care about us. 

This is an amazing book, one of the best I’ve read this year.  While your destiny may not be AIDS advocacy, there’s something deep inside you, some way for you to help others, and it’s ready to come alive, and I think reading this book will encourage you in your journey, whatever it may be.

You can purchase it from Amazon here:  Dangerous Surrender: What Happens When You Say Yes to God

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

5x7 Folded Card

Does anyone recognize this bearded man?  That's my dad!
Picture In Portrait 5x7 folded card
Shutterfly's exclusive line of graduation announcements and invitations.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Book Review: I Wonder What I Can Give God

I Wonder What I Can Give God (I Wonder Series)I Wonder What I Can Give God by Mona Gansberg Hodgson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a cute children's book about a boy named Jared who wants to give God a gift.  Well, that sounds do-able, right?  Not as easy as Jared first thinks because after all, does God need a hammer or a goldfish?  He keeps thinking "I wonder" about what he can give God.  But then he remembers what Papa Ray said last night at Bible study, and Jared knows what it is that God wants, and it's something Jared can give Him. 

I liked this book because it was a cute story that very much incorporates the Christian faith without being corny or too cutesy.  It is almost like a child could have thought this through, but of course, the author is an adult.  It's a charming book.

The only thing I disliked about the book was there was a connect-the-dot in the back.  If it was an activity book, I wouldn't have minded, but considering it is a hardcover book, to me it's not something that should be written in, even if there is a connect the dot in it.  This is a lovely book and I look forward to reading it to my "niece" and "nephews" when I visit them.

I received a copy of this book from the author from a giveaway on her facebook page:  Mona Hodgson Author Page .  The opinions are mine.

You can visit the author's website and purchase her books here: