A plethora of books have been written on living out your faith, however, David Platt takes “Radical” to another level. Like the title implies, what he suggests in his book is anything but living the normal American life. Why should we take the Gospel to people who have never heard? The average American church member probably thinks God gives special grace to those who have never heard the name of Jesus, but Platt explains why he believes this idea is not at all acceptable in light of what the Bible teaches. We can spend thousands of dollars a year on frivolous stuff all the while there are people dying because they don't have clean water. Why is the church looking the other way on this? Missions. How many people never get involved in fulfilling the Great Commission? They will attend when a missionary comes for a missions conference once a year, but the thought of them ever doing anything to reach out either in a local neighborhood or overseas is unthinkable. While this book is a hard read, it is not judgmental. It lays it on the line but even the author admits he doesn't believe he can live up to the radical lifestyle he believes God is calling us to lead. Rather than being a judgment, it's a call to living what Jesus taught his followers.
I received a book from the publisher in exchange for my review. It in no way influenced my review of this book.
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