Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book Review: The Real Skinny on Losing It

I recently had the opportunity to review the book  The Real Skinny on Losing It: True Confessions and Divine Revelations of a Former Yo-Yo Dieter By Michelle McKinney Hammond.  Here is my review:

I've read a number of Michell McKinney Hammond's books and I must say this is my favorite. Unlike most diet and weight loss books, she talks about what didn't work for her, including poking some fun about some of the radical things she's done to try and lose weight. (Cabbage soup, anyone?) I very much enjoyed the light-hearted look she took at weight loss before getting down to business at the end of the book and instead of setting forth a miracle weight loss plan, she encouraged healthy eating and eating right for your body. Unlike other Christian “diet” books I've read, she doesn't go off the deep end saying how prayer is THE answer to weight loss, but does mention that prayer can help. She pretty much covers it all in this book, everything from the “stretchy” clothes we keep in the back of our closet to the fact that we can't always rely on pre-packaged meals. Like most people who need to lose weight, she mourns the fact that some of her favorite foods are no longer her friends, but then she discusses what that means in the long term, and maybe that chocolate bar never was your friend to begin with. I really liked her approach of discussing her struggles with her weight because it felt like she knows what it's like to step on the scales and groan whereas in other diet and weight loss books the authors looks like they have never wanted a bonbon on a bad day! I'm not sure anyone would find anything in this book they didn't already know, but it's certainly worth a read for entertainment purposes as well as to know you are not alone on your weight loss journey!
Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my review. The opinion are my own.

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