I usually read over 50 books, but last year was extremely busy and I had a wedding to plan, so I only read about half my normal number. (A few years back I read about 100 books a year, but that was before I discovered Candy Crush.
And now, my five favorite books I read in 2015. (Listed in order in which I read them.)
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey was the first book I read in 2015. I have to say there was nothing in it that was new to me, and I even disagree with a number of his ideas (namely to always use cash. I think if you can be responsible you should use credit cards and earn rewards, but I'll write about that soon.) While I learned nothing new, I think reading this with my husband got us on the same page financially and helped him see finances the way I see them. We even saved an emergency fund, which we had to use immediately following the wedding. And I mean immediately. I landed in the emergency room, and I didn't go on his insurance for another 10 days, so we had to pay that out of pocket. We're back to saving for an emergency fund again, and trying to fix up the house so we can adopt.
Runaway Radical by Amy Hollingsworth and Jonathan Hollingsworth was the only financial book on this list, so you know it's saying a lot that this book made my list. Few books have touched me like this one did. I grew up in Protestant Churches and there was such a huge emphasis for us to "go" to make disciples. I always wanted to please God, and so I did more than I should have, went places I probably wasn't to go, and it shook my faith to the core in time. I have since found peace, but this is a memoir of what *can* go wrong in missions. I think this should be required reading for every potential missionary, both short term and long term.
Money Making Mom by Crystal Payne. It's by Crystal Payne. What wouldn't be to like? While I feel like I'm beyond the basics that this book covers, it's always good to see another view of how to start and manage a business. One of my goals for 2016 is to be more organized and have more of a focus of where I am headed. (That emergency fun and fixing up the house I mentioned earlier) as well as trying to find a good balance of life and work. (Honorable mention in that category to Balanced: Finding Center as a Work At Home Mom by Tricia Goyer. I'm not a mom yet, but I will be, and I've found most books aimed at moms are also very applicable to work at home women with no children.)
Make Money Online Using Zazzle by Tracey Foote. For the highest praise I can give a book, this is a book that everyone who needs to know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), internet marketing, and such should read. Yes, it does cover how to make money by creating products on Zazzle but I've been in Internet marketing for years, and I learned so much from this book I highly recommend it. (Plus who wouldn't like a little extra profit which you can learn about from this book?)
How to Blog For Profit Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Sokup is the best book I have *ever* read about blogging. ALL bloggers need to read this. (I also read Living Well, Spending Less by the same author this year and if this was a Fav 10 post, that book would have also made the list.) I feel so much more confident about blogging after reading this book and I wish I would have read this book years ago. I can't recommend it highly enough!
To read more "Five Faves" visit Ashely at The Big White Farmhouse! :)
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