Monday, May 13, 2013

Field Trip!

I have a friend who she and I try to get together twice a month.  Two weeks ago we were discussing when we would get together next, and she said it looked like it would be when she picks me up from the airport after my Faith and Fitness week.  I made a suggestion of another time, and she said it wouldn't work for her, then added her son was going on a field trip.  Parents were driving so I was able to ride with her and be a chaperone for the day.  (Or as her son asked while pointing to our identification, "Why does that say a "Chapter One?")

We went to the Carnagie Science Center in Pittsburgh.  We saw a show about light and it's properties, spent time in the museum including the SportsWorks, and also saw the iMax movie "Flight of the Butterflies"

It was a fun day and I hadn't been on a 3rd grade field trip in three decades!

Infrared me:

I'm taller than this robot!

 I'm in the science center and I still find a sweepstakes to enter!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tough Week for Weight Loss

This past week has been a tough week for weight loss for me.  To begin, something out of the past started weighing heavily on my mind.

Then there was the "normal" stresses of the week.   First thing that happened was a $300 item I sold at was returned saying it was an unauthorized purchase.  I was thrilled to have sold that because that more than paid the rest of the expenses for the camp for me.  I did get it returned and it's still brand new, and I can resell, but I lost $20 on shipping it.  (The amount given to me to ship it wasn't enough to cover all the expenses, but I didn't mind because I was able to get so much more for it there than eBay.)  THEN someone changed a listing from a single item I was selling on Amazon to a multi-pack.  I'm now wondering if it was changed BEFORE or AFTER my three orders yesterday.  I've currently pulled my items until it gets fixed.  (And hopefully it will!)

Then the car needed work.  Not just one new part as we thought, but it's still in the shop and it's going to be about five hours of labor.

My wound from the toilet seat cut I incurred at my dentist's office started draining again.  I'm hoping that doesn't mean another trip to the doctor.

I'm getting nervous. . . I created this ticket to show how soon I leave for camp!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Book Review: The Church Unlocking the Secrets to the Places Catholic Call Home by Cardinal Wuerl

FTC disclosure:  I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.  This post contains affiliate links.

What is the church like that you attend?  Is there a cross up front?  Is it a crucifix?  A tapestry of The Last Supper?  A stained glass dove?  I’ve been in churches that had one  of these at the front, but in a Catholic Church it will be a crucifix.  Do you know why?  It is because “The cross with the image of Christ crucified is a reminder of Christ’s paschal mystery.  It draws us into our suffering when united with the passion and death of Christ leads to redemption.”  (Page 105).  I had always wondered about why Catholics display a crucifix instead of an empty cross, and now I know.

While reading Cardinal Donald Wuerl’s latest book “The Church:  Unlocking the Secrets to the Places Catholics Call Home”, I felt like I was being guided by a man I consider a mentor of my faith though we have never met.  It felt like he was showing me every bit of a Catholic Church, from the artwork to the baptismal font.  He explains in detail why things are the way they are.  Did you know that baptismal fonts are often eight sided?  That’s something you can read about in this book.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Don't reject me because I'm not a Mom!

I'm single.  And childless.  Do I want children?  Yes!  So why don't I have them?  Because I believe it's in God's plan to wait until marriage, I am childless.  (Please don't judge me for this.  I am not making a judgment on others here, but I need to do what is right for me.  One time I was telling a friend how I would like children, and she mentioned adoption, and I said I think children need a dad, and she said, "Mommies need a daddy to help as well!")

Single moms almost seem idolized to me.  "Wow.  You are raising your children all by yourself?"  Sure, it's a tough job.  I'm not saying it's easy.  But neither should women who are mothers be thought of more highly as those who don't have children.

I've watched women cry through services on Mother's Day at church.  Why?  They want children and don't have them.  I'm not saying the world needs to cater to the childless, but don't reject us just because we are childless.

Last year I visited a church on Mother's Day and was given a flower to wear.  I told the usher, "I don't have children."  He smiled and said, "Wear it anyway."  I felt so included.  For the first time ever!  I have children in my life, they just aren't mine.  Did it hurt the usher to give me the flower?  Would it hurt any church to give the childless Sunday School teacher a carnation on Mother's Day and say, "You have 10 children in your Sunday School class each week, you have a mother's heart."?  I don't think it would, but instead in most churches those who are waiting for marriage receive nothing but a heavy heart while a teenager is called to the front to receive a special gift for being the youngest mother present.  (And honestly, does that 14 year old really want attention to the fact she's so young and has a child?)

I've felt rejected over the years because I'm not a mother.  The first time was when a pastor's wife told me I was in sin because I was single and not a mother.  She said God designed for women to be married and have children.  I was actually told if I wouldn't submit to God's plan for me to be a wife I should go get myself pregnant so I would be in less sin by at least fulfilling the call of motherhood that all women were created to be.  Really?  Doesn't the Bible teach fornication (sex before marriage) is sin?  So I should sin to be in less sin?  Clear as mud!

In fact, I asked a church once about what ministries they had I might be able to get involved with someday.  I was told that they only allow people to minister as families.  That's a great idea in theory.  However, since I'm single and don't have children, I couldn't do anything.  If I was married or if I was a single Mom, I would be able to help at VBS, be a nursery worker, or anything else that needed done.

I have a blog.  I am building it up and increasing readership.  When I do a giveaway I list it on over ONE HUNDRED different mommy blogger link ups.  I believe I write good and thorough reviews.  Some of the "reviews" I have seen on other blogs at times are just copying the back cover of a book or DVD.  That's not a review.  That's cut and paste.  I don't know if she enjoyed the book, DVD, or how well the fabric softener worked. But it's okay.  Because SHE is a Mom.  I was rejected recently from yet another blogging program because I don't have children of my own.

I don't have children of my own for religious reasons -- once I am married, I hope to adopt.  (I'm so old I don't think I'll be able to have children of my own.)

I am not the type of Christian who will scream "persecution" over being rejected from certain blogging programs just because I don't have children because of my religious beliefs.  I've been to China and I know what real persecution is.  However, I do feel I'm being judged unjustly.  I don't need to have children to know how well a laundry detergent work because I have my own clothes to wash! I have had children's literature classes in college, and I know what constitutes a good book.  (I read about 100 books a year, as well.)  I love to read books for all ages, and the fact I cannot read to a child to whom I am a legal guardian doesn't mean I don't know if a book is good or not, and it doesn't matter if the children I read it to are mine or the child of a friend for them to know if they enjoy a book or not!

I enjoy blogging and enjoy writing reviews.  If you know of any review programs that don't discriminate against women who are following what they believe God's plan for their life is, please let me know, or if you are a company who would like me to review for you, please contact me at jenndiggy at gmail dot com and I will be in touch.  Just because I'm childless doesn't mean my opinion is less valuable than someone who has been able to have children. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Goals

I was reading a post on a message board I frequent where everyone tells their goals for the month.  I thought that was a great idea, and decided to list mine here because mine aren't all related to the theme of the message board.

Obviously, with me attending Faith and Fitness Week in Texas from May 19-24, that's is 1/4 of my month right there, and I need to plan accordingly.

So my goals for the month:

  • lose 10 pounds.  I am just hoping to maintain this week since I was not feeling well yesterday as well as rediscovered my love of pickles this week.  Pickles are low in calories, but high in sodium, and I am sensitive to the amount of sodium in foods, so I am hoping to just maintain for my weigh-in on the 6th
  • Sell more on eBay in May than I did in April.  You can check out my eBay items here.
  • Get the guest room ready for guests!
  • Go out to garage sales one day every week for more eBay items!
  • Exercise 20 hours.  (Let's start slow on this one!)
  • Read three books.
Now, it's a new month, and LET'S DO THIS!

Monday, April 29, 2013

How are you losing weight?

I posted my weight loss on my Facebook status today.   For those of you wondering, it's 14.6 pounds in the last five weeks.   As expected, someone asked how I am doing "it".  The bottom line is eating better and moving more, but I know that's not the answer they wanted, they wanted something a little more in depth.

Today I'm going to talk about my morning routine and breakfast.

When I get up, I weigh myself.  I want to have an idea what is fluid retention and what is weight gain. I actually count my weight loss one day a week, but I want to know what my body is doing in the meantime.  (This doesn't work well for everyone, but because of some fluid retention problems in the past, a doctor suggested I do this.)

I start on making breakfast.  A few years back I found a crust-less quiche recipe that I have cut in half and often make for breakfast now.  I take 1/4 cup milk, 3 eggs, spinach (it's low in calories, so I don't skimp on it) and a pinch of shredded cheese plus pepper and garlic powder.  It tastes better with cheese baked in, but sometimes leave this out.   I mix this together, pour in a silicone muffin pan which I have prepared with a non-stick spray.  It bakes for 35 minutes at 380 degrees.  The original recipe was a little different, and it called for 30 minutes at 375, but I like my food very cooked, and just this side of burnt.

When I stick them in the oven depends on what exercise I'm doing that day.  I really like Walk Away the Pounds, and if I'm doing Walk Away the Pounds (High Calorie Burn 2 Miles) then I'll stick the eggs in the oven right before I start because the two mile section on this takes approximately 30 minutes.  (This morning I had five extra minutes before breakfast was ready.)  If I'm doing Walk Away The Pounds Express 3 miles, I pause the DVD player after one mile, and stick the eggs in then, and once again, when I'm finished, breakfast is ready.

This is what the eggs look like when I get them out of the oven:

Then I cut them in half, take a slice of 2% cheese and divide it among the 10 halves.  (Again, it's not much cheese but the cheddar peps up the taste and only adds 45 calories!)  Finally, I'm a West Virginia girl, so I grew up always eating ketchup on my eggs.  When I went to college in Tennessee,  some of my friends had NEVER heard of this.  To cut down on calories, I have switched from ketchup to salsa.  Plus it gives it added flavor.  I love spicy food at any time, so this is a great substitution for me.

In the coming days I'll discuss things like what I eat for dinner, eating out (and you'd be amazed how much more often I'm eating out now than before!  There are some healthy options out there!)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Keep Doing What You're Doing.

"Keep doing what you're doing."  Those are great words to hear from the doctor.

I've lost 13 pounds since I last saw the doctor, (I have myself down as losing less than that, but last time I went I was likely wearing a sweatshirt, and we're into t-shirt weather now, so that could account for a little of it.)

My blood work has improved (although there's still room for improvement) and he gave me the information I needed for Faith and Fitness Week.  I can't believe how quickly that is approaching -- in less than a month I'll be home from that!

It was nice to finally hear a GOOD report from the doctor, and I'm hoping this is just the first of many!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Don't Call It Fat Camp"

In my journey to lose weight, I decided to sign up for the Retrofit Ministries "Faith and Fitness Week".  In junior high someone called one of those ads in the back of Teen Magazine to have a brochure sent to me about a fat camp.  I was nicknamed "Short, Fat, and Ugly" in junior high and I never requested the information, so I know it had to be a fellow classmate.  Truth be told, I always wanted to go to a fat camp, so when I signed up for this, I kept thinking, "I'm headed to fat camp."

Last night Austin Andrews called me to finalize my payment for the week.  He was on Season 11 of Biggest Loser, so he totally understands what it's like to be the one made fun of in junior high. 

The moment I told him I posted on my Facebook status that I was headed to Fat Camp, he said, "Don't call it fat camp" and told me they were trying to get away from that image.  Instead, we're going to learn things like nutrition, how to deal with issues that caused us to become overweight, and work with personal trainers to find exercise we enjoy doing.  Instead of a last chance work out we'll be going on a last chance prayer walk.  Sounds like I can do it right?  Well, I know I can.

In February of last year I was tweeting during an episode of Biggest Loser, and Austin tweeted the following to me:

Believe me, you can! It will be the HARDEST THING you have ever done, but you can do this.

I wrote that down on a piece of paper and hung it on the wall of my bedroom.  I saw it daily.  Finally the day came where I hadn't lost anything, and I took the paper down and ripped it into pieces.

Last year was a bad year for me, I was in the hospital for 9 days on IV antibiotics and then on oral antibiotics from February through December.  I didn't feel like exercising or eating right.  Who feels like exercise when you are on antibiotics?  As for food, it's so much easier to stick a frozen pizza in the oven when you aren't feeling well than to chop up a salad.

But I'm ready to do this.  In fact, I am doing it!  Check out my weight loss ticker from the last month!

I also decided it was time to add something back to my wall. It has been months, so I decided it was time to make another.  This time since I'm doing the hardest thing I've ever done, I'll look at it as encouragement instead of guilt because I'm not doing something I should because I'm doing this and I CAN DO THIS!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fill These Hearts Book review

FTC disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Have you ever read a book that was so profound you couldn't put into words what you just read?  That happened to me with  Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal LongingNormally this wouldn't be a problem, but considering I was to write a review, the thoughts of what to write swam in my head because how do I decide an area in which to focus, and in fact I've stalled in writing this review because I kept hoping I could write a review worthy of this book, but I doubt that is possible.  With three sections of this book, Desire, Design, and Destiny, Christopher West takes us through a journey of what it means to have desires as a Christian.  The desires aren't limited to just those of a sexual nature, but ultimately whatever we desire -- fortune, fame, love, is satisfied when we are content with God alone.

The author has made a project of making Pope John Paul II's "Theology of The Body" accessible to a wider audience as he takes the hefty theological issues and explains them to the layman.  Not only is he gifted at doing this, his writing is beautiful, giving hope as well as strengthening faith.  His illustrations are ones that the average person can understand, using pop culture as examples to sometimes make his point.  It's rare I've seen a book have references to the Peter Gabriel, Switchfoot, and Saint Therese of Lisieux.

One of my favorite parts of the book was where Christopher West  discusses grace verses license.  Just because we CAN do something, does that mean we SHOULD?  Sometimes that's a hard line to differentiate.  An example of this is a couple decades ago I attended a Christian college where we were not to go to movies.  Yet, there was a 99 cent theater down the road.  I heard every argument as to why it was okay to watch a movie -- from "We are allowed to watch them once they are on VHS" to "I'm not a member of this denomination so I don't have to follow that rule."  I admit, I saw a Disney flick at the theater, and yes, I would have been in trouble if caught.  Yet, for all of us who broke this rule, I remember eating pizza with the yearbook staff and our editor who was already ordained in another denomination saying, "Just because I can walk into a theater doesn't mean I will. I signed a statement like every other student, and while enrolled, I will not go to a movie."  That man may have been young, but he understood the difference between grace and license as well as what the honor of his word meant.  Just because we are able to do something doesn't mean it's the best thing for everyone involved.  Twenty years have passed and I still think about him and the fact that he chose what was best based on that situation.  

This book was excellent, and even while reading it the first time I knew it would be a book I would keep and reread.  I rarely read a book more than once, so that alone tells the quality of the content and writing of this book.  It's something I'd recommend all Christians read.  While it's geared towards Catholics, I am Protestant and can't say enough about how great this book is.

FTC disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.  In no way did it affect my opinion of the product.

Watch the book trailer:


Monday, April 15, 2013

"This is Our Time" DVD review and giveaway

FTC disclosure:  I received a free copy of this DVD to give an honest review of this movie.


This Is Our Time is a Christian movie about five recent college graduates.  Two head off to India to work with lepers, one joins a prestigious finanical institution, another gets a great job in social media, and the fifth feels left behind as the rest of this close knit group of friends are pursing their dreams -- and he's left making sandwiches in a coffee shop since he didn't get into grad school.

I enjoyed the movie, however, I found it a little preachy at times.  I prefer Christian movies where the message is subtle, but I know that doesn't bother everyone.  This would make a fantastic movie for a church outreach as it does discuss things like God's will for our lives, God's plans, and death as one of the main characters dies in the movie.   Of course, the others deal with grief the best way they can.  As in real life they blame themselves, "If only I was with her" and "If only I hadn't called".  

As suddenly as life ends for one character, there's changes for three others.  Life isn't easy and this movie doesn't sugar coat things and even highlights the fact that just because we are Christians doesn't mean we are immune to pain and tragedy.

This would also be a good movie to show to a college aged church group as the focus is the future, what the future holds, and how God's plan for us might not be what we had in mind.  I think back to my final night at our campus ministry.  The seniors stood before the rest of the group and there was prayer, our campus ministry leader said he hoped in ten or twenty years he'd get great reports about what we were doing for God.  We had some do some seemingly great things from that group.  One is working with a ministry serving the poorest of the poor in Africa.  There's a fair share of stay at home moms raising children in a Christian environment.  But also, we have had our fare share of things not going as planned.  One followed his planned career path for a year, then went back to school for a different degree.  A girl had nearly died her junior year so we experienced knowing that we were not immortal even before our diplomas were in hand.  Of course, at least one of those twenty is divorced.  Life isn't easy and doesn't always go as planned, and this movie highlights that.  I enjoyed this movie and I think others will as well.

Connect with This Is Our Time:

"Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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